Using a skills framework to measure skills

Using a skills framework to measure skills

Daisuke Nishimura

When it comes to measuring something, it's always a great idea to rely on metrics. For instance, in the world of baseball, the batting average (AVG) is commonly used to gauge the performance of batters.

But what about measuring people's skills? Although we don't have a metric like AVG for skills, utilizing skills frameworks can be incredibly useful.

A skills framework defines and categorizes the skills needed for a specific job role or business function. One great example is SFIA, a global skills framework designed for digital professionals and published by SFIA Foundation. Skills frameworks can be used to evaluate skills within an organization and identify any skills gaps at both the individual and organizational levels.

Zipteam Skills Survey

At Zipteam, we're here to help organizations collect and utilize skills data to build dream teams. We gather skills data through a networking portal where individuals connect with others based on their skills. This distributed data is then organized using a graph database and AI.

We've been considering using skills frameworks to introduce a centralized method of collecting skills data in addition to our current distributed approach, which is effective for finding internal experts but not ideal for measurement.

Today, we're thrilled to announce our new feature: Skills Survey. With Skills Survey, you can create and distribute a survey to all members within your workspace, using any skills framework you prefer. You can then collect and export the survey results as structured data to gain insights and make data-driven decisions about people's skills.

Responding to surveys

You may be used to responding to lengthy, tedious surveys that often end up in local spreadsheets and are rarely used. But Zipteam's survey is different. We've designed it with a modern user interface that minimizes user friction. For instance, we're aware of all the skills you possess, so you only need to enter any new skills when responding to the survey. Additionally, you can suggest adding new skills to the framework directly from the survey, ensuring that the framework remains up-to-date and relevant.

Creating and managing surveys

Creating the survey is as easy as importing a skills framework. Once the survey is published, users can access it on the homepage or respond to it through the shared link. You can download survey data at any time for reporting and analysis purposes.

By combining skills data with other workforce attributes like geolocation, department, and age, you can gain a detailed understanding of skills gaps and obtain insights on how to address them.

Skills framework examples

Not sure where to start? Here are some open skills frameworks to help you get started. You can directly import them to Zipteam or customize them based on the needs of your organization before importing.

  • SFIA by SFIA Foundation; A global skills framework for digital professionals
  • CGMA Competency Framework by AICPA & CIMA; A global skills framework for management accountants
  • SkillsFuture by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG); A skills framework for various sectors of Singaporean workforce


Please note that this feature is currently only available in our enterprise version. If you're interested in using it, please get in touch with us at